DNA Master Course Overview

You're invited on this six month immersion into the DNA Module One and Module Two course material

Use this time of Covid-19 to change the way you think about assessment and interaction with your clients. Limited to a maximum of 10-12 students only. 

Included in the course fee:

  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ manual
  • Library of movement work to develop assessment vernacular
  • Supplementary course handouts
  • Video lectures and demonstrations
  • Recordings for when you miss or want to revisit a session
  • Active group discussion forum for deepening your inquiry
  • Weekly group zoom conference video question and answer sessions
  • Access to private consultations at deeply discounted rate that can include your personal process or bringing your clients to the consultation as skills development

There will be plenty of time for experiential learning with clients/case studies. We’ll coordinate these efforts as we move along the process.

Pricing options

If you've taken Mod One previously, you can enroll at 1/2 price; coupon code DNAMODONE

About Joseph

Joseph Schwartz is the developer Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ Seminars and The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains. Schwartz’s exploration and study in the somatic field has led him on a 30+ year journey of finding joy being in the body. His passion is to give people a movement experience that creates a shift in perception. His inquisitive nature continually asks him to look deeper at why different practices have different physiological effects, such as how the tangible and the non-tangible interface with this vehicle we call the body.