John Goldthorp, Running Coach, Founder of Fix Your Run

Fabulous Feet is way more useful and comprehensive than just a few foot mobility drills. Sure, there are unique foot mobility drills demonstrated (which feel great, by the way), but, as a practitioner with decades of experience, Joseph clearly understands and articulates how the foot and the rest of the body optimally play together so that we feel can our best. 

As someone who’s suffered several ankle sprains, I particularly enjoyed the drills he offered to help injury proof that area. And my knee feels better now, too, thank you!

Everything you’ve been taught about becoming a better runner is wrong. Tempo runs and sprints may be helpful to increase your speed, but focusing on your feet is actually the single most important element to running faster, longer and avoiding injury- even if you love running on tough terrain like trails or you’re a road warrior pounding the pavement.

See why runners are loving this course…

In this course, you’ll learn the secret weapon of how to properly use dynamic movement for your feet to totally revolutionize your running. 

You will get: 

✅ Everything you need to understand the mechanics of your feet and why most runners are often on the sidelines with overuse injuries and how you can avoid them.

✅ Eight videos that are easy to follow and introduce the importance of creating fabulous feet to up your running game.  

✅ A written detail of how each exercise is performed and what movement cues you should be thinking about when you're sensing these movements. 

✅ My personal warm up and cool down to use before and after each run.   This follow along video that can be practiced in less than 10-minutes so you spend more time doing what you love!

✅ A video on using a massage ball to “be your own therapist”  -- an inexpensive method to care for your feet.

✅ And, how to do ALL of this in 10 minutes or less per day!

About Your Instructor

Joseph Schwartz’s exploration and study in the somatic field has led him on a 30+ year journey of finding joy being in the body. His passion is to give people a movement experience that creates a shift in perception. His inquisitive nature continually asks him to look deeper at why different practices have different physiological effects, such as how the tangible and the non-tangible interface with this vehicle we call the body. Knowing the root to being injury free as a runner begins with healthy feet, he is very excited to share these practices he has developed over many decades for runners and other athletes.

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Tristan Stieber, long-distance mountain runner 

I have spent many years running for pleasure, but the last few years I’ve had the drive to achieve minimal wear and tear on my body while exceeding speed and distance goals I have set for myself. Joseph’s foot circle movements and talus-specific routines have absolutely changed how I listen to my body. I use soft ball rolling techniques pre and post workout. Joseph has his hands in many fields of movement, but all of his instruction is teaching the body to live harmoniously with each aspect that makes it work. This has made me a much stronger runner! 

Allan Mutiibwa, PT (Uganda)

As a Physical Therapist, I find Fabulous Feet a wonderful resource for  my clients. Knowing that feet are the foundation for the rest of the body, I find many of my client's pain complaints arising from a lack of mobility in their feet.  This will usually resolve simply by flossing the foot bones as taught in Fabulous Feet! I recommend it 100%