Gait Master Class Overview

This course contains:

  • All the elements to help you move more efficiently
  • Over 40 videos
  • Over 2 hours of movement guided instruction
  • Six series of videos starting with bottom up and top down joint flossing
  • a progression of skills development necessary for optimal movement integration  
  • PDFs that introduce the concept of restoring the fundamental building blocks of movement
  • A written detail of the important movement cues to help direct you attention on the intention of each movement
  • enough material to allow you to refine your movement practice for years to come

This movement program fills a much needed gap. Whether you are an avid athlete, weekend warrior, or movement therapist, this program will bring new insight into how to integrate the complex coordination known as the walking gait.

This program has both video demonstrations and written content. The video portion gives you the necessary building blocks of movement so that you can develop optimal integration. 

For the athlete, this program will help you in recovery, rehab, prehab or performance cycles. The movement program is presented in a specific order for our nervous system to optimally learn and integrate. The movement progression starts with the individual building blocks of movement. Then those building blocks are assembled into more sophisticated movements. Finishing with all the pieces fitting together in an integrated walking gait pattern of movement. While it may seem pedestrian, having an integrative gait has carry-over into every activity you do. 

If you are a movement therapist, the kinesiology contained in the text will provide a better understanding of how the building blocks of movement are contributing to your client’s presentation. Each of the joint flossing exercises becomes a movement assessment. When you consider movement is the language of assessment, this program will increase your vernacular.

When it comes to performance and longevity, there are no shortcuts. When it comes to technique and integration, as Coach Brandon Jones likes to say “only better is better.”


Very well done Joseph! I enjoyed it and I really like the platform you use to deliver it! - Becky Coots Kimbley

About Joseph

Joseph Schwartz is the developer Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ Seminars and The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains. Schwartz’s exploration and study in the somatic field has led him on a 30+ year journey of finding joy being in the body. His passion is to give people a movement experience that creates a shift in perception. His inquisitive nature continually asks him to look deeper at why different practices have different physiological effects, such as how the tangible and the non-tangible interface with this vehicle we call the body.