Workshop Overview

Our bodies require attention to perform optimally

10 December 2020


10am - Noon CT 

(time zone converter)

This special movement workshop will explore how we can systematically address each joint. While the workshop is not an encyclopedia of all the possible combinations of joint movement, it is a template. This template I refer to as the minimum daily requirement.  This template helps us discover which joints have optimal capacity and which joints do not. With that information, we can go deeper into the process of restoring capacity to the areas in our body that specifically need our attention.

The quality of our movement is essential to both mind and body. When we speak about mind body connection, we are really speaking to how our nervous system is informing our structure and how structure is informing our nervous system. This is a loop and is bidirectional. Our movement practices become a conscious interface to engage this bidirectional loop.

What defines quality movement? There is a common myth that needs to be busted. Hard work is good work. Whether that hard work be cardio or force production, if that work is not optimally integrated, if that work is not structurally sustainable, then that work is creating adaptation that is less than desirable. In fact, that adaptation will lead to structural issues down the road.

Our nervous system does not have the capacity to discern whether or not an activity is beneficial or not. Instead, it knows how to cope with and adapt to that activity. It is up to our cognitive ability to make a choice. This is why joint flossing is such an important part of our daily practice. It is not that we don't need the hard work. Hard work is actually necessary. We do need to balance the hard work with recovery and integration. Joint flossing fills that need.

There is an interesting aspect to movement and our attention. Our brain knows where we have capacity and where we don't. When we engage in our activities, our brain is deriving solutions how to respond with movement. This organization is specific to what the brain recognizes as available. We have a blind spot to what is not available, This is the “get it done with available resources”, the nervous system is brilliant at coping with and adapting to our activities. This is why we need to engage in a daily practice of joint flossing. We need to discover and restore the movement capacity that our brain has created a blind spot.

What to expect this movement workshop to deliver

A joint by joint template for your personal development.

An introduction of the physiological attributes of joint flossing.

An introduction to deepening the investigation into the kinesthetic blind spots we all have.

A question and answer period to deepen your understanding and process of this practice 

Like all worthwhile endeavors, we must invest time and energy. What you’ll find in joint flossing is that on the front end you must invest more time in skill development, however, the payoff is a greater expression of those skills on the backend. Your health and vitality will become more sustainable with this attention to the minimum daily requirement of quality movement. Join me to explore movement capacity through the joint flossing lens.

About Joseph

Joseph Schwartz is the developer Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ Seminars and The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains. Schwartz’s exploration and study in the somatic field has led him on a 30+ year journey of finding joy being in the body. His passion is to give people a movement experience that creates a shift in perception. His inquisitive nature continually asks him to look deeper at why different practices have different physiological effects, such as how the tangible and the non-tangible interface with this vehicle we call the body.