Mentorship Overview

Our bodies require attention to perform optimally

Starts 28 September


10am - Noon Mountain Time 

(time zone converter)

We meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

September - March (no sessions in January)


  • Meet for remote sessions twice/month (2hrs)
  • Daily movement practice (one day off a week permitted) (30min - 1hr)
  • Maintaining a movement journal to document your progress and experience.
    Willingness for reflection and self examination.
  • Curiosity to explore thought patterns and habits that no longer serve your highest good

The mindful movement mentorship program is an opportunity to deep dive into your movement self mastery with Joseph Schwartz. Over the course of six months, we will explore the progressions of his  signature DNA-Assessment Gait Master Course and the movement regimen shared in Applied Anatomy for Yoga Therapeutics. This program is designed to be a springboard for your health and vitality as you recover movement potential that you didn't recognise wasn’t present while also bringing mastery into movement already in your vernacular.

During the course of this six month journey, you will chart your progress with a unique journaling process, guided by Joseph. By taking inventory before and after each movement session, you will become more aware not only of your progress, but also the things that have been keeping you from achieving your fullest potential in movement and beyond.

What you can expect along the way: 

  • Learn how Mindful Movement is a somatic meditation practice.
  • Learn the specific progression of recovery to performance.
  • An opportunity to work directly with Joseph via two private one:one sessions.
  • An opportunity to explore your own self mastery.
  • Taking inventory of the experience that has led to your present capacity and conditioning.
  • If you're a bodyworker, manual or movement therapist, you will learn the vernacular of movement assessment.


  • We will use multiple programs, including programs not yet released publicly.

Joint flossing and in particular spiral arm drive allowed me to connect to movements in my scapula I didn’t know were possible. Growing up with moderate scoliosis I have always tried to get bodywork and do corrective exercise to find equilibrium; now when I find discomfort (rarer by the day) joint flossing is my go to for self care and self discovery. - Evan Piasecki

About Joseph

Joseph Schwartz is the developer Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ Seminars and The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains. Schwartz’s exploration and study in the somatic field has led him on a 30+ year journey of finding joy being in the body. His passion is to give people a movement experience that creates a shift in perception. His inquisitive nature continually asks him to look deeper at why different practices have different physiological effects, such as how the tangible and the non-tangible interface with this vehicle we call the body.