Spiral Arm Drive Overview

This course contains: 

  • PDF’s that define the biomechanics and kinesiology of the Spiral Arm Drive
  • Videos that demonstrate the individual build blocks of movement and how those building blocks assemble into optimal integration

The Spiral Arm Drive program is an exploration in biomechanics. When we consider the musculoskeletal system, there are two basic aspects of structure: the axial skeleton and the appendicular. Spiral Arm Drive is the upper extremity of the appendicular skeleton. 

By the end of the course, you can expect to bulletproof your shoulders and arms with this journey in biomechanics. If you’re in the movement arts, you can use this program to better assess shoulder and arm movement through this experiential exploration of the appendicular musculoskeletal system.

Movement exploration has two aspects: efficient movement and effective movement. 

Efficiency in movement uses the least amount of energy to produce the greatest amount of work. Optimal integration or kinetic chain sequencing are attributes of efficient movement. This allows the available energy system to realize the greatest amount of work produced. 

Effective movement is not concerned with efficiency. The work production, or achieving the task at hand is the goal. Effective movement may utilize more energy to produce the same amount of work. Effective movement is good for developing movement patterns. By assembling the building blocks of movement in unfamiliar ways, we are giving the nervous system more options to respond to the movement environment. 

Both efficient and effective movement training are useful in athletic development. One is not better than the other. They have different intentions with different outcomes. For example, let’s look at the popular activity of kettlebell training. There are two fundamental schools: soft work and hard work. Soft work utilizes integration and biomechanics to achieve the greatest amount of work production with the least amount of energy -- the focus is efficiency. Hard work is more concerned with the amount of work produced than the efficiency of that work production -- the focus is instead effective.

The philosophical content of this document cannot be appreciated without the time and effort put into the work of developing the skills for an integrated spiral arm drive. Enjoy the process of your exploration. 


About Joseph

Joseph Schwartz is the developer Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ Seminars and The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains. Schwartz’s exploration and study in the somatic field has led him on a 30+ year journey of finding joy being in the body. His passion is to give people a movement experience that creates a shift in perception. His inquisitive nature continually asks him to look deeper at why different practices have different physiological effects, such as how the tangible and the non-tangible interface with this vehicle we call the body.